Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Choice 5: Mark 12:41–44. The Widow’s Mites

  1. Review Mark 12:41–44 and the institute student manual commentary for Mark 12:41–44, “What Was the Significance of the Widow’s Gift?” (p. 149). Write an explanation of how the widow lived what the Savior taught in Mark 12:28–30.
This was so important because the widow gave everything she had. This showed her sincere desire to follow the Savior. that she cared more about the Lord then her life itself. She truly knew her purpose here on earth to do her best to return to her Heavenly Father. This shows that she was willing to love the Savior with all her heart and are willing to do anything for him.

  1. Even though the widow gave less money than wealthier people gave, according to Mark 12:44, how much of what she had did she give? Write a paragraph describing what this teaches about what constitutes an acceptable offering to the Lord. How does 2 Nephi 25:23 apply to what the widow did?
She gave absolutely everything that she had, this is showing that the Lord expects that we recognize that the worldly possessions we have aren't as important as serving him and that we can sacrifice everything to follow him. This is living also the law of consecration that we are willing to give everything we have to the Lord. That we will commit all our talents and time to building up the kingdom of heaven. This is relating to what is in 2nd nephi because we will be saved after all we can do and she did everything she could to be righteous and give to the Lord.

  1. Write two or three sentences describing a way, aside from the donation of money, that you could better follow the widow’s example of sacrifice and obedience. 
I feel like this can be related to your choosing to help others, this can be in your falling or in your callings. Callings are a perfect example of this. My mom was always willing to help out and always magnified her callings and was going above and beyond to help the kingdom of God. I feel like in this way we can be like the widow if we sacrifice what we need to help the church or to help others. This also definitely could represent serving a mission.

Unit 2 choice 1
Choice 1: Joseph Smith—Matthew. The Savior Taught About Future Events
*Note: Joseph Smith—Matthew is found in the Pearl of Great Price.
  1. Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4 contains questions that the Savior’s disciples asked Him. Verses 5–20 contain the answer the Savior gave to their first question regarding the destruction of the temple, and verses 21–55 contain His answer to their other questions concerning His Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked. Read Joseph Smith—Matthew. Then fill in the following chart. After each item you list, write the verse number where you found that item.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur

Promises to the Righteous

  1. Study 1 Nephi 22:16–22; Doctrine and Covenants 97:22, 25. Then write a statement that would give hope to a person who worries about the Second Coming. 

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