Wednesday, April 1, 2015

The Lord will give us talents that we mst increase, Matthew 25-26, Mark 14:1-42, Luke 22, John 13-18

Matthew 25-26, Mark 14:1-42, Luke 22, John 13-18

Matthew 25:13- Watch therefore for ye know not neither the day nor the hour wherin the son of man cometh.
Matthew 25:22- I have gained two other talents besides them
The principle is that the Lord blesses us with strengths and abilities, but one of the greatest blessings he has given us is the ability to learn and grow. Therefore although there may be things we are naturally good at, there are many things that we can become good at if we put in the time and effort. Many times in my life I chose not to do something because I wasn't automatically very good at it, because I didn't want to go through the learning process. But every time I decided to try anyways to learn something new, I was blessed to be able to accomplish the task. I think that the advesary wants us to feel like we are unable to accomplish something and therefore puts doubt in our hearts, but we can choose what to believe and trust in the Lord. Something wonderful about the Savior is his enabeling power which allows us to become greater then we ever could on our own.

Luke 22-
v32- when thou art coverted strengthen thy brethern.
v35- when I sent you without a purse... lacked ye anything?
The principle I like here is that the Lord will always provide for us when we are trusting in him. This is a wonderful principle because we are giving the chance here on earth to progress and walk by faith, and sometimes that means giving up our materialistic items to follow the Savior. When I was choosing to go on a mission I was blessed to find a few jobs that paid very well, this was a huge blessing in my life and a testimony to me that the Lord is watching out for us.

John 13-18
john 14:21- He that hath my commandments and keepeth them, he it is that loveth me, and he that loveth me shall be loved of my father and I will love him.
This principle is that when we are following the commandments we are demonstrating to the Lord our love for him. To follow the commandments is an act of faith that can only be complete if we are doing it for the right reasons. The Lord wants our hearts to be in the right place. It is more important that we are focusing on our inner desire to do good then only the outward appearances.

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