True Leadership reaches out to others with love,
Unit 1 choice 4
Choice 4: John 13:1–17; Luke 22:24–30; Mark 10:43–45. The Savior Taught the
Apostles about Leadership
- Study John 13:1–17; Luke
22:24–30; Mark 10:43–45. Write a paragraph or two about how the
application of these teachings makes leadership in the Church of Jesus
Christ different from what the world usually describes as leadership.
- What I love about this example from the Savior is it is showing that the greatest shall become the least. Meaning that those who are in positions of authority have the greatest opportunity to love and serve others. That ultimately they are called to help and serve others. This is a really interesting aspect of the church because it really is implemented in every aspect of the church. Each of the leaders have many opportunities to reach out and help others.
- Sometimes in the world today people think that the leadership positions means that these people are in charge, and that they are firm and unbending in the ways that they act. Yet in the church the leadership truly is organized with the desires to reach out and to bless others, especially with the organizations of Relief Society, Priesthood, primary and young women and young men.
- I have noticed mainly in the life of my parents how much they put forth in their callings so that they can help and uplift others. I am so grateful for this example and the example of my other leaders who I constantly see and have seen in the past reaching out to help others.
- Write a paragraph or two
about a time when one of your Church leaders or someone in the scriptures
served and led in the way Jesus Christ taught.
- I recently was able to have the blessing of being called into the presidency of Relief Society and so as a presidency we met with the wonderful sisters that had been previously serving in those positions. And I had absolutely loved and admired these ladies and what they did to show love and reach out to others but it was especially interesting to hear the specific things that they did for the girls they love and care about. For example the president mentioned for us to keep our eye on one of the girls who we could simply reach out to, then she mentioned how she would weekly visit this girl just to sit and chat.
- This to me was such a wonderful example of a righteous leader who was serving with pure desires to help others.
- How did you and what did you do to complete the assignment?
- With this I was able to read the scripture reference which shows the Lord's example of leadership and then apply it to the world's view of leadership, and then ultimately I talked about how the church is actively working to lead in righteous loving manners, in order to serve others.
- Why did you decide to do the assignment you did?
- I love the idea of the Savior showing love and care for others and serving others. I definitely believe that service is one of the most wonderful ways to show love and therefore I wanted to do this topic.
- What do you think is the best thing about your assignment and how do you think it could be improved?
- I think the best thing about this assignment was it talked about an example that where we were able to serve others, I feel like there can be a commitment to increase our ability to help and love others.
Unit 1 Choice 2: John 14:15–17, 26–27; 15:26–27; 16:7–8, 13–14. The Savior’s
Instructions about the Holy Ghost
- As you study the
following verses, make a list of what the Savior taught about (1) what the
Holy Ghost does and (2) what disciples must do to receive the Holy Ghost:
- John 14:15–17- You must keep the commandments, pray unto the father for the comforter
- John 14:26–27- he shall teach you all things and bring things to your remembrance, will bring you peace
- John 15:26–27- Shall testify of the Savior and of Heavenly Father, bear witness
- John 16:7–8- reprove the world of sin
- John 16:13–14- guide you in all truth, glorify the Father
- Add to your list above
as you study the following resources:
- Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “The Holy Ghost
Brings Man to His Fullest Potential” (p. 168)-
- The Holy Ghost can uniquely bless each and every one of us in the different aspects we need in our lives. Firstly by helping us to know what is right we can make correct choices, yet also by receiving inspiration and abilities beyond our own to accomplish the tasks that Heavenly Father had for us,
- Institute student manual Points to Ponder, “As a Messenger of
the Godhead, the Holy Ghost Teaches Faithful Members” (p. 168)
- The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead yet his important task is to testify of the savior and of our Father. He is sent so that we can have the guidance from the Lord and learn how we might trust in the Lord through the promptings. His mission is to instruct and guide us by giving promptings to do what is right, yet ultimately it is our decision whether or not to listen.
- Bible Dictionary, “Holy Ghost” (p. 704)- The Holy Ghost has been in each dispensation of the Gospel. Is a spirit, and comes in the form of the gift of the Holy Ghost. Before we are baptized we can feel the power of the Holy Ghost to teach us what is right by testifying to our hearts, then after baptism we can have the gift of the Holy Ghost to always be with us,
- Review your list of what
the Holy Ghost does. Then write responses to the following tasks:
- Describe how the Holy Ghost helped the Apostles fulfill their
missions after the Savior’s death and resurrection.
- The Holy Ghost was given to the Apostles as a comforter to help them when they were in times of trouble, he taught them continually the Gospel. The Holy Ghost was also instructing the apostles and giving them the words that they needed to say in order to touch the hearts of others and to spread the message of the Savior. The Holy Ghost also testified to the hearts of people that the message was true.
- Write a paragraph about a time when the Holy Ghost blessed you
in one of the ways you listed above. Give an example of how the Holy
Ghost has inspired you.
- I feel that this past Sunday I had an opportunity to speak to the Relief Society for a moment (as I have become the new 1st counselor) and I strongly encouraged them to visit the girls who weren't in church. Because I testified of the importance of our duty to reach out in love and in friendship. As I was speaking I felt power behind my words and felt the strength from my message which I believe can from the Spirit testifying of the truthfulness of my words.
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