Wednesday, April 8, 2015

The Saviors Final Hour

Unit 2 Choice 3: Matthew 27:1–61; Mark 15; Luke 23; John 18:28–19:42. The Savior’s Final Hours

1. Review Matthew 27:2, 11–25 and the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 27:24, “Why Did Pilate Give in to the Demands of the Jews to Execute Jesus?” (pp. 182–83); commentary for John 19:4–12, “Pilate Sought to Release Him” (183–84). Write a short paragraph on what you learn about Pilate from what he tried to do.
Pilate felt that the Savior was innocent and in reality first sent him to Harold. Multiple times he said that the Savior was innocent and therefore he wouldn't turn him in. He gave in because the people were asking him over and over for him to let Jesus Christ go. He actually tried to let Jesus Christ go and gave the people the option of allowing him to leave but the people chose not to. He then tried to clean himself of the responsibility by washing his hands. Also his wife had warned him to let him go. Pilate gave in because of the people.
2.  How are the events recorded in John 18:28–19:18 a fulfillment of the prophecy found in Isaiah 53?
This is a fulfillment of the prophecy because it says that he will be despised and rejected of man, which he definitely was when the people mocked him and when he was given up to be crucified and mocked by the guards. That he was taken from prisen and judgment that he was bruised and suffered for us.
3.  Review Matthew 27:15–16 and Mark 15:6–7 and answer the following questions:
o   What kind of man was Barabbas? He was a thief 
o   Find the meaning of the name Barabbas in the Bible Dictionary (p. 619). What is ironic about the Jews’ choice of a prisoner by that name?
It means "Son of the Father" which is ironic because Jesus Christ was the true Son of Heavenly father yet they chose this man a thief instead.
4.    Review Luke 23:7–12. Write your answers to the following questions:
o   How did Pilate try to avoid the responsibility of judging Jesus? He said that he washed his hands clean of the deed.
o   What did Herod hope to see from the Lord? He wanted to see a miracle done by him
o   How did the Lord respond to Herod? He didn't answer anything
o   Under what circumstances today would this example of the Savior be a good one for us to follow? Why?
The Savior showed that he didn't need to prove anything if people mocked him. We will have opportunities in our lives when we stand up for what is right and people will mock us but we don't need to prove them wrong because it won't always convince them we can just do what we know is right.
o   What was the result of this interchange between Herod and Pilate? They had later become friends although they had previously disagreed.

5. Read the institute student manual, “An Appreciation of the Sorrow of the Final Hours” (pp. 180–81). Write a paragraph on what impresses you the most about how the Savior acted during His last hours of mortality. 
What is wonderful about this is that Heavenly father really was with Jesus Christ at the final moments but in order for Jesus Christ to truly understand how we felt that there needed to be that feeling of separation from the spirit. This also explained that Jesus Christ truly was still perfect even if he asks about the Father's spirit leaving him. This teaches us that when we have trials it isn't wrong of us to notice how much we need the Father and turn to him, in fact that is what he wants us to do.

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