Thursday, April 2, 2015

Lord is it I?

Teaching Activity
Complete the following activity and submit a report according to the given instructions:
Matthew 26:21–25. The Disciples Responded to the Foretold Betrayal
  1. Review Matthew 26:21–25. Describe in writing how the Apostles responded when the Savior announced that one of them would betray Him.
    1.  They each asked the Savior if it was them, if they were the one who would betray the Savior. they were sorrowful.
  2. Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 26:22, “Lord, Is It I?” (p. 162). What does the Apostles’ response to the Savior’s announcement reveal about each of them?
    1. It shows that they were truly sincere, that they were willing to look inwards and see what things they could improve about themselves. this can teach us to have the desire to constantly recognize our faults and repent and become better, to be truly humble.
  3. Write about what difference it would make in the following situations to respond like the Apostles did—by asking, “Lord, is it I?” rather than blaming someone else or assuming the problem has to do with someone else:
    • You hear your bishop give instruction and counsel regarding a sin he sees prevalent in your ward.
      • If you look inwards you can recognize that you may need to improve yourself and therefore could increase in your testimony and become better. And if it is something you definitely haven't done you can recognize it is maybe something you aren't strengthened against and could become a temptation and therefore you can spiritually strengthen yourself more so that you can be better. Instead of looking outwards and judging.
    • You are having difficulty getting along with another person (a brother or sister, parent, missionary companion, college roommate, spouse, etc.). Include in this answer how the disciples’ response, “Is it I?” relates to Matthew 7:3–5.
      • Maybe in this case the problem doesn't lie in your room mate but instead it lies inside yourself. Maybe you are being too critical or not loving, maybe you are judging them on something you may be doing as well. I feel like the best way is to simply recognize that maybe you can improve and work on it.
    • Someone you know accuses you of having said or done something that offended him or her.
      • Instead of getting angry you may stop and recognize that either way this person feels hurt, and so instead of being defensive you can realize that it would be important to reach out and apologize. Then maybe there was something you could have said better.
  4. Select a recent General Conference talk which teaches the principles found in Matthew 26:21-25, and write 150-200 word summary of how they compliment each other.
    1. The talk I picked was by President Uchtdorf that speaks about how these apostles could have looked around but instead they looked inwards, and that sometimes that is exactly what we need to do, because we will have situations in which we will hear a lesson or a message and we need to look inwards instead of outwards. He shared the example of the person who constantly saw the perfect lawn of his neighbor but one day there was one dandelion and this person chose to be obsessive about it, and then in the end his own lawn was completely unkept. So this teaches us sometimes we need to focus on ourselves first. He also talked about how sometimes we over estimate our own contributions, and that we may not be actually be doing as much as we should be. The other part he mentioned was about where our treasure is, and I feel like ultimately we are guilty of not putting the Lord first if we are putting worldly things before him. I also think that is interesting how he says that if the Lord says yes then we should be humble and recognize it.
  5. Share what you have learned with a friend/relative/other, and write a summary of your discussion.
    1.  We talked about how sometimes people think they are doing really well when they aren't. But then we also talked about how sometimes we really are hard on ourselves and are constantly feeling like when we are failing because we are trying to measure up to Jesus Christ, but that is something we can always work towards and maybe shouldnt be so hard on ourselves.

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