Wednesday, March 4, 2015

John the Baptist (Matthew 11:1-19, Luke 7:18-35) L02 Share and report DB

Unit 2: Choice One
Matthew 11:1-19, Luke 7:18-35 John the Baptist

1. Read Matthew 11:1-19 and Luke 7:18-35. What did the two disciples of John the Baptist ask Jesus Christ? The Savior told them to go back to John and tell what they saw and heard. After reading these accounts, explain three things you would have told John if you had been with those two men.

The disciples of John said unto Jesus Christ if He was the one "that should come, or do we look for another". If I had been with these two men I would have told John that Christ was indeed the man he was looking for. The specific things that I would remember to tell John about what I saw and heard would probably first be how I felt when I was in his presence. Because I believe that being near the Savior would help them definitely feel of his glory and that the spirit would touch their hearts in an undeniable way. The second thing that I would make sure to say is that Jesus Christ showed forth great miracles in healing those that exercised faith in him, I would also explain how Christ knew exactly who we were and why we were there, because when we asked if he was the man we were looking for Christ immediately explained that we should tell John the things we saw and heard. Therefore he was using the spirit of prophecy and so I would make sure to pay attention to all the otehr words Christ said so that I could give a good account to John.

2. Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:2-3, "Did John doubt that Jesus was the messiah?" (p.66). Explain why John wanted his disciples to go to Jesus Christ.

John definitely didn't doubt that Jesus Christ was the Savior. He had the confirmation for the Spirit that Jesus was the Christ and he had unwavering faith in this fact. Since he was one of the only people who had this firm belief he wanted his disciples to ultimately recognize Jesus as the Savior and become his disciples. So basically he didn't doubt, he was giving the opportunity to his disciples to have a witness and to be able to strengthen their testimonies. He wanted his disciples to recognize Jesus Christ as their Savior and Redeemer. This was confirmed when the Savior mentioned that John's faith was unwavering.

3. Read the institute student manual commentary for Matthew 11:11, "No Greater Prophet than John the Baptist" (p.66) What did the Savior say about John the Baptist in Matthew 11:11 and Luke 7:28? Provide three reasons given by Joseph Smith why John the Baptist is considered amoung the greatest prophets.

The Savior said that John the Baptist was the greatest man born of women but yet was still lower then him seen as the least in the kingdom of Heaven. Christ is essentially saying that although John is seen as teh greatest prophet to them, that he is actually lower then Himself (the Savior) although people may not give the Savior the respect that he should receive. John the Baptist is one of the greatest because he was given the important mission of preparing the way for the Lord, He baptized the Son of God, and also he was the administrator for the kingdom of heaven on earth, he held the priesthood power which he later gave to Joseph Smith.

4. What does John 3:30 suggest about John the Baptist and his attitude toward the Savior? Briefly describe how we could apply a similar attitude in our own lives.

What I believe this means is that John knew that his role was merely to prepare for the way of the Lord, and that he knew that now that the Savior had come that he would be turning over his ministry to the Lord. Therefore his importance in the religious world would decrease as the Savior's would increase. This definitely shows an example for us to be humble in all things and recognize the true meaning of our callings. That we can remember that the things we are doing is to glorify the Lord and that we shouldn't be taking credit for ourselves. That we will ultimately turn all things to the Lord and show our gratitude to Him.

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