Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Matthew 21:29-30
He answered and said, I will not: but afterward repented and went.
(v30) And he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said I go sir. And went not.

Matthew 23: 26: cleanse first that which is within the cup...that the outside may be clean as well.

This principle is showing us that we need to first focus on what is on the inside of our hearts that we are truly doing things for a righteous purpose. Many times there are people who try to keep commandments or do certain things but they do it for the glory of the world, and then in their hearts they are despising the fact that they need to do those things. this is like unto the hypocrites who really weren't doing what is right but they were pretending like they were being righteous while judging others. I feel like in our lives there are many times in which we are tempted to judge others but we should love others and treat them well by being understanding of any flaws. then we are supposed to focus on ourselves and do what is right so that we can stand blameless before God at the last day.

Matthew 24:44- Therefore be ye also ready for in such and hour as ye think not the son of man cometh. (Mark 13:33)- watch an pray for ye know not when the time is

This principle is showing that we should always prepare ourselves for when the Lord comes. What is wonderful about our lives is that it is the time we have to do what is righteous and to follow the commandments of the Lord. We must always be doing our best to do what is right because we never know when the second coming will arrive and we will be judged for our actions. Also our lives are so fragile and at any time something could happen causing our mortal life to end and therefore we will be judge according to the actions that we completed while we were on earth. That is why it is important for us to be preparing ourselves by living righteously so that when the time comes we can be prepared. Therefore if we are doing what is right we wont need to fear anything that might happen because we are ready.

Luke 19-21
John 12:46- Whoever shall believe in me shall not abide in darkness
This principle is that those who are choosing to follow the Savior will be able to have light in their lives. Because the Savior is the light of the world and provides all truth and happiness. Therefore someone who is being righteous will be blessed to have the spirit with them, they will be enlightened and they will be able to continue on the path to eternal life.

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