Friday, March 13, 2015

Learning line upon line: Man being healed

Mark 8:22–26. Healing of a Blind Man in Bethsaida

  1. List ways the miracle described in Mark 8:22–26 is either the same as or different from other miracles you have read about in the New Testament (for example, compare Matthew 20:30–34)
I think the difference in this miracle as opposed to the other ones is that in this one it was the faith of the blind man's friends who brought him to the Savior and therefore wanted him to be healed. Also usually the Savior tells them to use their faith to be healed but in this one he just reaches out and heals him. Also this is one of the only ones where the Lord uses something else in the healing process. When usually the people only need to be touched by him to be healed.

Matthew 20:30-
When they heard that Jesus was passing they cried out saying, have mercy on us

  1. Read Doctrine and Covenants 98:12. In writing, identify a principle from this verse that matches a principle found in Mark 8:22–26. How could remembering this principle in life help you through challenges?
This was really interesting because in doctrine and covenants it is saying
 12 "For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith."
and so in this miracle what happens is the man first sees a little bit but not completely and then the Lord touched his eyes again and he is healed. So this is interesting because the man was healed but it was a little bit more gradual then usual. this is actually something I never noticed before. It is interesting because sometimes when we are repenting from things it takes gradual steps and the more we try hard the more we are able to feel of the forgiveness until we are finally healed.

  1. In 150-200 words, summarize another scriptural passage that teaches the principles found in Mark 8:22–26.
One of the great scriptures in the new testament that teaches about the principle where we learn line upon line is in Luke 2:52. Because it talks about how Jesus increased in wisdom and stature. I feel like this shows that he was gradually increasing and learning, which shows the example for us. Instead of automatically learning right away. Another good example is in the Book of Mormon where Ammon is teaching king Lamoni and he starts off teaching in a way that king Lamoni would understand and then gradually starts teaching more. This shows that in many cases we are learning gradual and therefore our faith can also be strengthening gradually. This is also the case in situations where people need to try out their faith to see if it will grow. Like the analogy about the seed in Alma 32, where their faith will grow because of putting forth effort to nurture it so it can grow. There are many examples of this in the scriptures I believe to help us know that sometimes miracles or faith isn't immediate but it takes effort on our part. (word count:188)

  1. Share what you have learned with a friend/relative/other, and write a summary of your discussion.
I talked to someone about how on their mission there were times where their investigator would ask about something and then he would have to study and learn in order to know something was true. Instead of having immediate answers. The other day I was also talking with a friend about how I was trying really hard to make some life decisions but sometimes it was hard to know exactly what I was supposed to do. Then he told me about the patterns of light and the way we receive revelation may be different at times. Like the first way is like a light switch where we understand everything right away, but taht this is usually not as common, but it may usually come through a sunrise or walking through fog where you need to take a step forward into the fog.

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