Wednesday, March 11, 2015

L03 Peter being faithful: Walking on water- Matthew 14:24-32

Unit One: choice 3: Matthew 14:22-33. Walking on the Sea
1. Review Matthew 14:22-23. Identify in writing what the reaction of the Apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
2. What did Peter's response indicate about him?
3. According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
4. What did Peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter's request.
5. Read Doctrine and Covenants 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life.

1. When they first saw the Savior they automatically were fearful. they were worried that he was a spirit and tehrefore were troubled amongst themselves. But then when the Savior explained who he is then Peter said "Lord, if it be tou, bid me come unto thee on the water." Then when the Savior told him to come he did come.

2. I think this is truly incredible of Peter because he really could have easily waited for the Savior to come to the boat, still been afraid or not even believed it to be the Savior. But he trusted in the Lord and used an enormous amount of faith and asked the Lord to call to him, saying that if he called to him then he would leave the boat. That already is amazing showing his great faith and willingness to do what the Lord would want, and knowing that with faith in the Lord all things were possible. I think this shows that Peter really was understanding what his purpose was as a disciple. Because Jesus Christ was showing them great miracles so that they could carry on the church and do the things they saw him do. therefore when Christ shows yet again a miraculous thing that could occur with faith, I think it shows that Peter trusted in the fact that it was possible and that it was something that he could be able to do as a follower of Jesus Christ.Then he not only made the effort to leave the boat right away, but he truly did walk on the water towards the Savior.

3. In Matthew 14:30 it says that when Peter saw the wind he became afraid. So what happened was his eyes were fixed on the Savior but when he saw a potential trial, that wasn't even something that was affecting him he was already afraid. Meaning it didn't say that the wind was pushing against him and he was unbalanced and became afraid, it just said that he saw the wind being boisterous and he became afraid.

4. Then when Peter noticed that he was afraid and started to sink he cried to the Lord asking him to save him. This shows he immediately knew who to turn to and that the Savior could help him. Then the Savior "immediately" reached out his hand and caught him. This shows that the Savior is ready to help and will immediately help us when we reach out to him. Not only that but it was the Savior that caught him, it wasn't that the Savior allowed his robes to be grabbed by Peter, or that Peter hung out to him, but it was the Savior who caught him.

5. In Doctrine and Covenants 88:67- It says "If your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things." This can relate to Peter because it is saying if our eye is single to the glory of God then we shall be filled with light, which I believe can mean faith or hope, and there will be no darkness (or doubt). therefore if we are focusing on the Lord we won't have need to fear. And while Peter was focusing on the Savior he was full of faith, but then when he looked and saw the wind he allowed fear to enter him. So I believe when we are going through our own challenges we need to make sure we are focusing on the Savior and trusting that everything else will fall into place. that when there are challenges we can call out to the Savior. I think Peter's story helps us to see that we should always try, and in we start to fall the savior will make up the rest.

  1. How did you and what did you do to complete the assignment?
    1. I read the story in Matthew 14 about Peter and how he showed faith by walking on water, and I responded to how I felt the reactions of the apostles, and of Peter showed their faith. then I applied the story to my life so I could learn how to keep my focus on the Savior.
  2. Why did you decide to do the assignment you did?
    1. I did this assignment because I really like the example of Peter. And I truly think he exercised great faith, and of course there are things we can learn from his experience.
  3. What do you think is the best thing about your assignment and how do you think it could be improved?
    1. I think the best thing about the assignment is that it asks us to relate the topic to our lives. I think it could have gone a little more into depth and talk about specific challenges or circumstances that may distract us where we need to turn to the Savior for help.

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