Wednesday, March 18, 2015

3 principles, being blessed when we give up materialistic things or our time for the Lord, marriage between man and women, must cleave unto each other

Matthew 19-22
Mark 10-12
Luke 15-20
John 11-12

 Matthew 19:29- everyone that has forsake houses or brethren, or sisters...for my name sake shall receive an hundred fold.
This is one of my absolute favoriet principles, taht when we sacrifice for the Lord we will always receieve so much more in return. I believe this absolutely relates to missionaries. because it is showing our Heavenly father that we are willing to give up not only our energy and efforts but also the time we have with our family. This shows that we truly love the Lord above all things and are willing to put him first in our lives. I love this principle because I have absolutely seen this promise blessing me in my life since returning home from the mission. I came home and my relationships with my family are strengthened more then they ever have been before. I also have been blessed with all the material things I gave up to go on a mission including clothing, scholarships and many other tings. I feel like this is one of the many ways the Lord shows that he is in charge, that he loves us, and that he will always bless those that obey him. This principle is also true for the callings in the church, being mission president or anything dealing with giving up your time for the Lord.

Mark 9:7-8: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife (v8) And they twain shall be one flesh, so they are no more twain but one flesh.

This principle teaches that marriage between a man and a women is meant to unite them in an eternal sense. That they can rely on each other for support, love and encouragement. This shows that the Lord cares about families and wants couples to show this love for each other and truly be united in thought and deed. This is really a sweet principle because it helps couples to recognize the importance of cherishing one another.

Luke 18:22- Thou lackest thou one thing, sell all thou hast and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.

This principle teaches that the Lord requires our hearts and willingness to follow him. Ultimately the Lord under the direction of God created the earth and everything in it, and even if someone were to have all the riches in the entire earth it would be nothing in comparison to all the blessings the Lord can give us. Sometimes people lose track of this truth and are caught up in materialistic worldly things and they forget that they potential is far above the riches of the earth. Therefore it is required of us to recognize that the work of the Lord is far more important then anything we can earn in this life that is materialistic. Also because after this life the things we will bring with us are our families, our character and the good works we have done. Therefore the invitation from the Lord to follow him and help others was to prepare the man to become like Christ and therefore prepare to inherit eternal life. But the man sacrificed what he wanted most of all for something he wanted in the moment.

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