Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Savior healed a young man: Matthew 17:14-21

Unit 2 choice 2: the Savior heals a young man: Matthew 17:14-21

Review Matthew 17:14-21, and list three things the Savior said were needed for the disciples to heal the man.

Firstly the savior pointed out that they needed to have faith, fasting and prayer to be able to heal the man. It was important for them to have enough faith for the man to be healed because miracles can't occur unless it is by faith. Because with faith all things are possible, and therefore if they weren't sure if it could happen then of course it wouldn't. The next thing that they needed in order for the man to be healed was they needed to have been fasting for it. I think fasting is really quite a powerful principle because it is showing our Heavenly father that we care more about his will then our carnal desires to eat. That the task at hand, or the thing we need is really important to us, and in a small way it is doing our part to show the Lord that we know that it is possible because we are willing to sacrifice for it. The last thing they needed to do was to be praying, this is essential because it reminds them Who is the one that truly can do the miracle, that it isn't them but it is the Lord. Therefore they need to be praying to the Lord for help.

Read each of the following references. Next to the reference write what it teaches about what is needed for miracles to happen.

3 Nephi 18:20- You need to ask the Lord for help, therefore you need to include prayer. And you also need to believe that it is possible and therefore it is necessary for you to exercise faith.

Doctrine and Covenants 50:29- You need to be clean and pure. I think this means you need to make sure that you are asking for a righteous purpose. This means that you won't be asking something out of a carnal desire but out of love for the Savior and according with his will. Also to be spiritually clean is necessary so that what you are asking for will be granted based on your righteousness and faith.

Doctrine and Covenants 42:48-This was interesting because it says that if he have faith to be healed (but aren't meant to pass on) then you will be healed because of your faith. So this includes your faith but also the will of the Lord on the matter.

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