Sunday, March 8, 2015

The 4 soils, and following the savior- Matthew 13:4-8

I think that someone needs to honestly choose to be dedicated to strengthening their testimonies. Because there are specific things we are told to do that really will help us. This also will include the intent that we have in our hearts. That we may do things with true intent instead of doing everything gospel related as a checklist. That we can dig deep into the soil by truthfully studying the scriptures and wanting to know more. This also means making sure that we are keeping ourselves in areas surrounded by people who will uplift us so that we can strengthen our testimonies.
                There are countless thorns that are trying to destroy the youth of the church on a regular basis. First there is the thorns of music which can dull their sensibility to the spirit, and with listening to music constantly there may not be opportunities to feel the spirit and choose to follow it. There is the thorns that surrounds them with other technologies such as movies that are showing them to act a certain way which will take them away from the path. There is a constant peer pressure in their schools often time with students who will mock them and try to persuade them to not do what they know is right. There are distractions that keep them occupied and therefore not doing good things. Also there are carnal temptations dealing with the desire to sleep which may keep them from paying attention in seminary, and many other that may distract them.
I think choking can imply that it overwhelms people. For example the plant knows that its purpose is to grow, but when thorns over rule them they aren’t able to grow and they are overwhelmed. This can relate to the day to day tasks that we may do which choke our ability to grow. I think that this especially includes the stresses of life, as well as the wickedness in the world. That is stopping our ability to focus on what is important and to do what is right.
Jesus Christ gives the invitation “who has ears to hear, let him hear”. He is inviting all who would be willing to listen to his voice to choose to hear the words he says and apply his message. Everyone has this ability to hear, but not everyone chooses to let the words penetrate their hearts. The Savior is inviting us to follow and do the things that will make us happy.
This invitation he gave also relates to the fact that although some people may have the ability to see with their carnal eyes, that they don’t really see. The same is applied to those who can hear the prophets words but aren’t really hearing for the correct purpose. This means that someone may see things happen such as miracles but they do not notice what is happening, that they don’t recognize the miracle for what it truly is. Or they may see something wonderful but are too concerned with wordly matters and are unable to truly benefit from what they are seeing. This is the same with those who may hear wonderful words spoken, but they don’t want to think about what it really means. This could be related to when a parent is warning a child, and the child is listening but really has no idea what their parent is saying because they don’t want to hear.

1 Nephi 8:21-33
There were the people who were trying to find the tree, but then there were mists of darkness that blinded them, and caused them to lose their way. This can represent the seeds that feel by the wayside and were swallowed up in the mist of darkness and were lost. There were those that pressed forward, grabbed the rod of iron, moved towards the tree and took of the fruit. Then they were ashamed and mocked and therefore they left the tree and were lost. This could represent the seeds that fell among thorns, because the cares of the world and those mocking them led them astray. The seeds that fell upon stony ground were those who were on the great and spacious building who were lifted up in the pride of their hearts and were mocking the other people who were trying to do what was right. With those people who specifically chose to go to the great and spacious building.Then the people in the fertile soil definitely were those who stayed true to their desire to reach the tree of life and therefore arrived and were filled, and were happy. 

Some of the things that my room mate felt would help us keep our spoil fertile was actually to go through trails. This might be because then we recognize how much we need the Lord in our lives and we are move willing to be humble and submissive to him. She also felt that we should bear our testimony with others, this is really important because when we are bearing our testimony it gives it the chance to be strengthened. Something I have decided that I want to work on is to be able to have more of a sincere study of the scriptures, so that my testimony can be always strengthening.

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