Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Choice 5: Mark 12:41–44. The Widow’s Mites

  1. Review Mark 12:41–44 and the institute student manual commentary for Mark 12:41–44, “What Was the Significance of the Widow’s Gift?” (p. 149). Write an explanation of how the widow lived what the Savior taught in Mark 12:28–30.
This was so important because the widow gave everything she had. This showed her sincere desire to follow the Savior. that she cared more about the Lord then her life itself. She truly knew her purpose here on earth to do her best to return to her Heavenly Father. This shows that she was willing to love the Savior with all her heart and are willing to do anything for him.

  1. Even though the widow gave less money than wealthier people gave, according to Mark 12:44, how much of what she had did she give? Write a paragraph describing what this teaches about what constitutes an acceptable offering to the Lord. How does 2 Nephi 25:23 apply to what the widow did?
She gave absolutely everything that she had, this is showing that the Lord expects that we recognize that the worldly possessions we have aren't as important as serving him and that we can sacrifice everything to follow him. This is living also the law of consecration that we are willing to give everything we have to the Lord. That we will commit all our talents and time to building up the kingdom of heaven. This is relating to what is in 2nd nephi because we will be saved after all we can do and she did everything she could to be righteous and give to the Lord.

  1. Write two or three sentences describing a way, aside from the donation of money, that you could better follow the widow’s example of sacrifice and obedience. 
I feel like this can be related to your choosing to help others, this can be in your falling or in your callings. Callings are a perfect example of this. My mom was always willing to help out and always magnified her callings and was going above and beyond to help the kingdom of God. I feel like in this way we can be like the widow if we sacrifice what we need to help the church or to help others. This also definitely could represent serving a mission.

Unit 2 choice 1
Choice 1: Joseph Smith—Matthew. The Savior Taught About Future Events
*Note: Joseph Smith—Matthew is found in the Pearl of Great Price.
  1. Joseph Smith—Matthew 1:4 contains questions that the Savior’s disciples asked Him. Verses 5–20 contain the answer the Savior gave to their first question regarding the destruction of the temple, and verses 21–55 contain His answer to their other questions concerning His Second Coming and the destruction of the wicked. Read Joseph Smith—Matthew. Then fill in the following chart. After each item you list, write the verse number where you found that item.

Destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem (JS-M 1:5-20)
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ (JS-M 1:21-55)
Events to Occur

Promises to the Righteous

  1. Study 1 Nephi 22:16–22; Doctrine and Covenants 97:22, 25. Then write a statement that would give hope to a person who worries about the Second Coming. 
Matthew 21:29-30
He answered and said, I will not: but afterward repented and went.
(v30) And he came to the second and said likewise. And he answered and said I go sir. And went not.

Matthew 23: 26: cleanse first that which is within the cup...that the outside may be clean as well.

This principle is showing us that we need to first focus on what is on the inside of our hearts that we are truly doing things for a righteous purpose. Many times there are people who try to keep commandments or do certain things but they do it for the glory of the world, and then in their hearts they are despising the fact that they need to do those things. this is like unto the hypocrites who really weren't doing what is right but they were pretending like they were being righteous while judging others. I feel like in our lives there are many times in which we are tempted to judge others but we should love others and treat them well by being understanding of any flaws. then we are supposed to focus on ourselves and do what is right so that we can stand blameless before God at the last day.

Matthew 24:44- Therefore be ye also ready for in such and hour as ye think not the son of man cometh. (Mark 13:33)- watch an pray for ye know not when the time is

This principle is showing that we should always prepare ourselves for when the Lord comes. What is wonderful about our lives is that it is the time we have to do what is righteous and to follow the commandments of the Lord. We must always be doing our best to do what is right because we never know when the second coming will arrive and we will be judged for our actions. Also our lives are so fragile and at any time something could happen causing our mortal life to end and therefore we will be judge according to the actions that we completed while we were on earth. That is why it is important for us to be preparing ourselves by living righteously so that when the time comes we can be prepared. Therefore if we are doing what is right we wont need to fear anything that might happen because we are ready.

Luke 19-21
John 12:46- Whoever shall believe in me shall not abide in darkness
This principle is that those who are choosing to follow the Savior will be able to have light in their lives. Because the Savior is the light of the world and provides all truth and happiness. Therefore someone who is being righteous will be blessed to have the spirit with them, they will be enlightened and they will be able to continue on the path to eternal life.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Following the Savior, sacrificing worldy things

  1. Review Matthew 19:16–30 and write responses to the following questions and tasks:
    • What indications can you find that suggest why the young man decided not to follow the Savior? How does Matthew 6:19–24 help explain his choice?

    •  Matthew 19:16-30- This man had desires to follow the Savior yet he had so many of the worldly riches that he didn't want to sacrifice what he needed to in order to truly follow the Savior and gain eternal life. It showed that he was sorrowful because he had much. This shows how he is caught up too much in the vain things of the world.
    • What blessings did the Savior promise to those who make sacrifices to follow Him? 

    • The Lord promises that if we choose to follow him and do what is right then we can inherit the kingdom of heaven. This includes all the things that we possibly can receive from the Lord, which is all that the father hath. The Lord always promises that he will open up the windows of heaven and poor out blessings apon us if we do what is right.
    • Based on the Savior’s response to Peter, write a paragraph that could help you put the Lord first in your life (see also the additional details in Mark 10:17–31). 

    • I believe that there are ways that I can continue to recognize that everything I have comes from the Lord then I can make sure to always show thanks to him when I am blessed. Also when I have a choice between reading the scriptures or using the internet or some other device to pass time, I should recognize that it is an opportunity to grow closer to the Savior and I can put the Lord first by giving up my time which is what I have that is most precious to me. I did also choose to leave everything I had to follow the Savior through my mission.
  2. Review the parable in Matthew 20:1–16 and consider what rewards come to those who serve in the Lord’s kingdom. Complete the chart below, filling in the blanks with information you find in Matthew 20:
The hour the laborers were hired
How much the man agreed to pay
Hours worked
How much they were actually paid
 1 penny
 11 hours
 1 penny
 3rd hour
  1 penny
 9 hours
 1 penny
  1 penny
 6 hours
 1 penny
 9th hour
  1 penny
 3 hour
 1 penny
 11th hour
  1 penny
 1 hour
 1 penny
3. Respond in writing to each of the following questions:
    • What do we learn from this parable about serving in the Lord’s kingdom? 
    • I believe that the Lord loves all his children and this shows truly that he wants to bless them all, and so the point of working in the kingdom of God is not how long we are working, but it is if we endure to the end. The Lord has called us to work to build up the kingdom and it doesn't matter if we strive for longer times then others just as long as we are doing our part the Lord will fulfill his promises.
    • What message of comfort can this parable have for converts to the Church? 
    • I think this definitely shows that this brings great blessings to the Lords children even if it takes them longer to know about the Gospel. That the Lord will give them the equal amount of blessings for doing what is right in the amount of time that they are given.
    • What would you tell someone who feels it is unfair for each of the laborers to be paid equally? 
    • I think I would help them see how merciful this is, especially because it must have been difficult for the last workers to keep having faith that they could get a job. That this shows that those people who may have had hard lives can be blessed as well. That we are all brothers and sisters and should be happy because of the happiness of others.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

The Lord appointed other Seventy also

Unit One:Choice 1: Luke 10:1–24. “The Lord Appointed Other Seventy Also”

This is a really interesting scripture reference because first the Lord lets them know that the harvest is great so that they know that not only is it large but it is precious as well. I feel that the Lord is first showing them how important their duty is, and then letting them know that there aren’t many people working right now on the side of the Lord, but that the Lord will continue to call workers to help them which definitely include ministering angels. This is showing them also that the work will be really hard because there will be a lot of opposition but that the Lord is in charge and therefore he will help and bless them. He also tells them not to bring money and things with them, I believe this is to help them see that their duty will be an important one but it won’t be easy. He also told them that if there are people who are rejecting the gospel then they shouldn’t share the Gospel with them because they aren’t deserving of it.

What is wonderful about this scripture is that it is showing how the Gospel is being taught by those with authority to cast out spirits and to heal the sick and to do all manner of miracles. This is showing that in the church right now there are also worthy men who have this power and that because of it they can bless others and do all manner of miracles. It is showing that this truly is the true church of Jesus Christ because they are being led by Heavenly Father and therefore are given the direction to do the same miracles that were done in the early beginnings of the Church.

The topic of the Seventy explains that they are called to be specific witnesses of the Savior Jesus Christ. As well as are called to build the church and to take care of the affairs of the kingdom here on earth, that they will travel sharing the Gospel and testifying of the Savior.

3 principles, being blessed when we give up materialistic things or our time for the Lord, marriage between man and women, must cleave unto each other

Matthew 19-22
Mark 10-12
Luke 15-20
John 11-12

 Matthew 19:29- everyone that has forsake houses or brethren, or sisters...for my name sake shall receive an hundred fold.
This is one of my absolute favoriet principles, taht when we sacrifice for the Lord we will always receieve so much more in return. I believe this absolutely relates to missionaries. because it is showing our Heavenly father that we are willing to give up not only our energy and efforts but also the time we have with our family. This shows that we truly love the Lord above all things and are willing to put him first in our lives. I love this principle because I have absolutely seen this promise blessing me in my life since returning home from the mission. I came home and my relationships with my family are strengthened more then they ever have been before. I also have been blessed with all the material things I gave up to go on a mission including clothing, scholarships and many other tings. I feel like this is one of the many ways the Lord shows that he is in charge, that he loves us, and that he will always bless those that obey him. This principle is also true for the callings in the church, being mission president or anything dealing with giving up your time for the Lord.

Mark 9:7-8: For this cause shall a man leave his father and mother and cleave unto his wife (v8) And they twain shall be one flesh, so they are no more twain but one flesh.

This principle teaches that marriage between a man and a women is meant to unite them in an eternal sense. That they can rely on each other for support, love and encouragement. This shows that the Lord cares about families and wants couples to show this love for each other and truly be united in thought and deed. This is really a sweet principle because it helps couples to recognize the importance of cherishing one another.

Luke 18:22- Thou lackest thou one thing, sell all thou hast and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven, and come follow me.

This principle teaches that the Lord requires our hearts and willingness to follow him. Ultimately the Lord under the direction of God created the earth and everything in it, and even if someone were to have all the riches in the entire earth it would be nothing in comparison to all the blessings the Lord can give us. Sometimes people lose track of this truth and are caught up in materialistic worldly things and they forget that they potential is far above the riches of the earth. Therefore it is required of us to recognize that the work of the Lord is far more important then anything we can earn in this life that is materialistic. Also because after this life the things we will bring with us are our families, our character and the good works we have done. Therefore the invitation from the Lord to follow him and help others was to prepare the man to become like Christ and therefore prepare to inherit eternal life. But the man sacrificed what he wanted most of all for something he wanted in the moment.

Friday, March 13, 2015

Learning line upon line: Man being healed

Mark 8:22–26. Healing of a Blind Man in Bethsaida

  1. List ways the miracle described in Mark 8:22–26 is either the same as or different from other miracles you have read about in the New Testament (for example, compare Matthew 20:30–34)
I think the difference in this miracle as opposed to the other ones is that in this one it was the faith of the blind man's friends who brought him to the Savior and therefore wanted him to be healed. Also usually the Savior tells them to use their faith to be healed but in this one he just reaches out and heals him. Also this is one of the only ones where the Lord uses something else in the healing process. When usually the people only need to be touched by him to be healed.

Matthew 20:30-
When they heard that Jesus was passing they cried out saying, have mercy on us

  1. Read Doctrine and Covenants 98:12. In writing, identify a principle from this verse that matches a principle found in Mark 8:22–26. How could remembering this principle in life help you through challenges?
This was really interesting because in doctrine and covenants it is saying
 12 "For he will give unto the faithful line upon line, precept upon precept; and I will try you and prove you herewith."
and so in this miracle what happens is the man first sees a little bit but not completely and then the Lord touched his eyes again and he is healed. So this is interesting because the man was healed but it was a little bit more gradual then usual. this is actually something I never noticed before. It is interesting because sometimes when we are repenting from things it takes gradual steps and the more we try hard the more we are able to feel of the forgiveness until we are finally healed.

  1. In 150-200 words, summarize another scriptural passage that teaches the principles found in Mark 8:22–26.
One of the great scriptures in the new testament that teaches about the principle where we learn line upon line is in Luke 2:52. Because it talks about how Jesus increased in wisdom and stature. I feel like this shows that he was gradually increasing and learning, which shows the example for us. Instead of automatically learning right away. Another good example is in the Book of Mormon where Ammon is teaching king Lamoni and he starts off teaching in a way that king Lamoni would understand and then gradually starts teaching more. This shows that in many cases we are learning gradual and therefore our faith can also be strengthening gradually. This is also the case in situations where people need to try out their faith to see if it will grow. Like the analogy about the seed in Alma 32, where their faith will grow because of putting forth effort to nurture it so it can grow. There are many examples of this in the scriptures I believe to help us know that sometimes miracles or faith isn't immediate but it takes effort on our part. (word count:188)

  1. Share what you have learned with a friend/relative/other, and write a summary of your discussion.
I talked to someone about how on their mission there were times where their investigator would ask about something and then he would have to study and learn in order to know something was true. Instead of having immediate answers. The other day I was also talking with a friend about how I was trying really hard to make some life decisions but sometimes it was hard to know exactly what I was supposed to do. Then he told me about the patterns of light and the way we receive revelation may be different at times. Like the first way is like a light switch where we understand everything right away, but taht this is usually not as common, but it may usually come through a sunrise or walking through fog where you need to take a step forward into the fog.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Group: Forgiveness from Matthew 18:21-22, talents, debts

Discussion Topic Material 
  1. Review Matthew 18:21–22. What question did Peter ask the Savior about forgiving? How did the Savior respond?
He asked the Savior how many times should we forgive others and the Lord said until 7 times 70-
This is something I'm really grateful for in the repenting process. Because there are times where you want to start doing something better such as reading the scriptures daily or becoming better at something but you keep trying and failing. But then because the Lord teaches us to forgive others he will also forgive us. I think family is one of the greatest examples of forgiveness. Because when you are growing up there will usually always be little problems. Like in my family whenever the kids were at home alone we would watch lots of tv, and then when we had to do dishes there would usually be a bit of contention when someone wouldn't help. But always afterwards we would work it out and forgive each other, no matter how many times it would happen.

  1. Review the parable the Savior told in Matthew 18:23–35. Then answer the following questions: [Note the difference between 10,000 talents and 100 pence or denarii. 10,000 talents is an incredibly large sum of money, equal to millions of work days; it is an impossible sum to pay back. See footnote a in v. 28 to find the worth of 100 pence. 10,000 talents is about 480,000 times as much as 100 pence.]
o   How much did the servant owe the king? 
He owed the king 10,000 talents

o   What was the proposed punishment? What was the servant’s desperate plea? What was the king’s response?
That he and his wife and children would all be sold, he pleaded with his Lord to have patience on him and he would repay him all. Then the Lord was with compassion and decided to completely forgive him of the debt.

o   What was the amount owed to the servant by a fellow servant? He was only owed an hundred pence

o   What was the fellow servant’s plea? What was the servant’s response?
He pleaded (the same plea) to have patience and he would pay, but the servant didn't care and threw him into prison.
o   How did the king change his mind when he found out what happened?
The king then was very angry and had the servant then have to pay the debt which would be an impossible sum to pay.
o   What do the principles found in Doctrine and Covenants 64:9–11 add to Matthew 18:22?
That we are required to forgive all men, but the Lord will forgive whom he shall forgive, also the principle about being judged the way we judge others. Meaning if we choose not to forgive others then the Lord will choose not to forgive us.

o   How does Matthew 6:14–15 relate to Matthew 18:35?
  1. In what way is the debt the unmerciful servant owed the king similar to the debt each of us owes the Savior? What are the implications of this parable for how we are required to forgive? How does your view of these things change if the person you should forgive is not sorry and not trying to repair the damage he or she has caused?
The debt we owe to the Savior is unpayable by ourselves alone. It would be truly impossible for us to repent of all our sins. Therefore to be forgiven of all of our weaknesses and sins is truly a miracle and similar to the servant who couldn't in all his life pay off the debt. This shows that because the Lord is so willing to forgive us from everything then the tiny insignificant mistakes other people make against us should be easily and quickly forgiven. because if we should not to forgive someone for the smallest thing then the Lord will recognize that we are being unjust and therefore will not be able to have our own forgiveness. If someone isn't sorry it could be hard and hurt us but we need to recognize that we aren't perfect either and we can choose on our own to forgive them.

when I had a hard time forgiving my friend, and then made my mom cry and really wanted forgiveness and then realized I hadn't forgiven my friend.

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

The Savior healed a young man: Matthew 17:14-21

Unit 2 choice 2: the Savior heals a young man: Matthew 17:14-21

Review Matthew 17:14-21, and list three things the Savior said were needed for the disciples to heal the man.

Firstly the savior pointed out that they needed to have faith, fasting and prayer to be able to heal the man. It was important for them to have enough faith for the man to be healed because miracles can't occur unless it is by faith. Because with faith all things are possible, and therefore if they weren't sure if it could happen then of course it wouldn't. The next thing that they needed in order for the man to be healed was they needed to have been fasting for it. I think fasting is really quite a powerful principle because it is showing our Heavenly father that we care more about his will then our carnal desires to eat. That the task at hand, or the thing we need is really important to us, and in a small way it is doing our part to show the Lord that we know that it is possible because we are willing to sacrifice for it. The last thing they needed to do was to be praying, this is essential because it reminds them Who is the one that truly can do the miracle, that it isn't them but it is the Lord. Therefore they need to be praying to the Lord for help.

Read each of the following references. Next to the reference write what it teaches about what is needed for miracles to happen.

3 Nephi 18:20- You need to ask the Lord for help, therefore you need to include prayer. And you also need to believe that it is possible and therefore it is necessary for you to exercise faith.

Doctrine and Covenants 50:29- You need to be clean and pure. I think this means you need to make sure that you are asking for a righteous purpose. This means that you won't be asking something out of a carnal desire but out of love for the Savior and according with his will. Also to be spiritually clean is necessary so that what you are asking for will be granted based on your righteousness and faith.

Doctrine and Covenants 42:48-This was interesting because it says that if he have faith to be healed (but aren't meant to pass on) then you will be healed because of your faith. So this includes your faith but also the will of the Lord on the matter.

Group discussion: John the Baptist

List the ways John the Baptist fulfilled his mission

Maatthew 3:1-4, Luke 3:4-6
John 1:7-9, 19-28
Matthew 3:7-11, Luke 3:7-14
Matthew 3:6, Mark 1:5, John 1:25-26

The ways that John the Baptist fulfilled his mission:
-Firstly he was fulfilling his mission by preparing the way of the Lord through preaching and calling the people to repentance.
-Also he preached so that people could know how to obtain their salvation so this was a fulfilling of the prophesy as well.
- He bore witness of the Light
-Helped men believe in Christ
-Helped men be prepared for Christ to come
-Baptizing people with water
-Led people to know that Christ would be the one to take away their sins and baptize with fire
-Warn them of what would occur if they chose not to repent
-Help people be ready to be baptized by fire
-Teach them what they must do, such as imparting of their substance unto the poor