Thursday, February 26, 2015

Personal reflections from the week, journal format

This week I really enjoyed the messages I read in the Bible. It was really interesting to me to see the faith of these faithful followers of Christ. it made me ponder about whether I am truly putting the Lord first and would be able to honestly say that I "left my nets" and quickly followed after his call. I feel that our nets in some cases can symbolize the daily tasks that we need to accomplish. Many times I want to do a lot more in order to put the Lord first but am weighed down by little obligations in school and education and am reluctant to drop everything. However I have started to realize that it isn't about having time to do he most important things in life its about making time. I have started to do this by making little notes for people to show them I care and am thinking about them or calling my mom just on the way home for class. This has become very effective and I have made time for reading the scriptures by reading them as I eat breakfast or do my hair, and I have definitely noticed a difference.

The other impact the scriptures has made on me this week is realizing that truly with Heavenly father all things are possible. I trust strongly in the power of prayer but I know that at times we feel that we must accomplish everything on our own or our task is too heavy to bear. And I really feel that we have those overwhelming challenges in order to help us realize that with the Lord all things are possible. I believe that I heard this sweet story somewhere in conference or in a talk that really impacted me, there was a little boy trying to push a huge boulder but was unable to. Then his father told him to use all his strength, and the little boy said he was using all his strength. But his father replied saying, no you aren't because you haven't asked me to help. Sometimes it is easy for me to forget that the greatest strength I can have is the one that comes from my Heavenly Father.  

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