Wednesday, February 25, 2015

John 3: We must be born again

Unit 2: choice 4
John 3. We must be born again
The Savior declared that we must "born again" (John 3:3) review Mosiah 5:7. Then respond to the following questions.

What is the difference between "seeing" the kingdom of god and "entering" the kingdom of God?
I believe that there are some people who are doing good things and they can become to see the kingdom of God and they know what their end goal is, but they don't fulfill the covenants they need to in order to enter the Kingdom of God. there can also be those who are willing to do good things but don't want to make the sacrifices necessary in order to enter enter the kingdom of God and therefore haven't endured to the end. As the scriptures say we have a change of heart, and so sometimes we may do the steps necessary to enter the kingdom of heaven but because we don't truly experience this change of heart we won't continue progressing in order to enter the kingdom.

What did Jesus teach Nicodemus that we must do to enter the kingdom of God?
He taught that we must be born again, through baptism so that we follow the Savior and repent of our sins and then make the covenant necessary to be forgiven of our sins.  To be born of the water and of the spirit.

What does it mean to be "born of water"?
This symbolizes being baptized in water by letting go of our past sins through and being cleansed from these past mistakes. When we are baptized (immersed in water) it symbolizes the death of our old life (including mistakes) and the rebirth of ourselves spiritually. It is also the physical manifestation that we are choosing to follow the Savior.

read Moses 6:59 and list ways that baptism is a symbol of rebirth, read Romans 6:4 and list how baptism can be a symbol of death.

new chance
free from sin
cleansed from mistakes
ability to start over
cleansed through the blood of Christ
chance to enter into the kingdom of God
come out of the water, like Christ was raised from the dead
have newness of life

Baptism is the death of our past wicked life
buried under the water
Letting go of past mistakes
transgression brings death so because we sinned we must die, and through baptism that past life does essentially die as we are reborn washing away the past sins.

What does it mean to be "born of the spirit"?
To be born of the spirit is firstly to be given the gift of the holy ghost which works as a cleansing agent. This also includes having a mighty change of heart so that when we are baptized we are choosing to follow the example of the Savior and therefore follow him in his ways. Just like the Nephites if we truly have this change of heart we won't want to sin any longer. This includes the repentance process and literally choosing to follow the example of Jesus Christ through the inner desire to do what is right. This is more of the spiritual side where we are really promising that we will follow the commandments and starting over. This is something that also takes time, because we must be constantly repenting and doing what is right, taking the sacrament and always doing what is right to endure to the end.

What natural element does the Lord compare with the Spirit? Why is it an effective comparison?
He compares it to fire, being born of fire. This is an effective comparison because fire burns out all the uncleanliness of things just as when we receive the gift of the holy ghost we will be cleansed from iniquity.

Review John 3:14-17, 35-36. Write a paragraph that describes who the Father loves, what he has done to show his love for his children and for Jesus Christ. what the purpose of the Savior was, and what blessings will come to those who accept the Son.

Heavenly Father loves all of us because we are his children and he wants all of us to be able to return to live with him. Because of his love for us he made a plan for all of us so that we could have a savior that would atone for our sins. So because of his love for all of us he sent his son Jesus Christ to show us the perfect example and to atone for our sins. He sent Jesus Christ so that we could be saved through following the Savior and his example we can repent, be forgiven, make sacred covenants, endure to the end and be able to return to live with our Heavenly Father. Also because of his love he has blessed the Savior and given him all things so that he could help us. Also the blessings that come from following the savior include having eternal life and being made perfect in him.

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